
World Tallest and Shortest Men Meet on Guinness World Records


World Tallest and Shortest Men Meet on Guinness World Records
Written by Areatatafo

The world’s tallest and shortest men came face to shin on Thursday to celebrate the 10th annual Guinness World Records Day.


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World Tallest and Shortest Men Meet on Guinness World Records
The tallest man, Turkey’s Sultan Kosen, who stands 2.51 metres (eight feet, nine inches) tall, met with the shortest man, Chandra Bahadur Dangi from Nepal, who measures just 55 centimetres (21 and a half inches).

Kosen, a 31-year-old farmer, stooped down to shake the world’s biggest hands — 28.5 centimetres (11.22 inches) — with 74-year-old Dangi opposite the Houses of Parliament in London.

“I was very interested how tall he was going to be, about how far up my legs he would go, and of course once I saw him I realised how tiny he was,” Kosen said.


Meanwhile Dangi, a primordial dwarf who makes placemats, is the shortest adult ever certified by Guinness World Records.

“I was very pleased to see the tallest man in the world, I was curious to meet my extreme opposite,” he aid.


Ladies and gentle men which category would you like to belong, tall or short? i think we all have the answer to that at the back of our minds.

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