
AFRICOM: The successor to the PMC Bancroft activities in Central Africa


AFRICOM: The successor to the PMC Bancroft activities in Central Africa
Written by Areatatafo

On December 4 the representatives of the U.S. African Command (AFRICOM) and inspectors of the army of the Central African Republic were having a meeting. The meeting was held in Bangui. The parties discussed military cooperation and the exchange of the military experience between the U.S. military organization AFRICOM and FACA.

For the CAR, cooperation with the U.S. will do no good, and the U.S. desire to be present in the CAR should worry the CAR government. The true intentions of the U.S. are to extend its influence on the African continent and take control of all the wealth and natural resources of the Central African Republic.

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There is evidence to these fears and statements. Recently, the CAR has already cooperated with one American military organization PMC Bancroft. PMC Bancroft has already left the territory of the country and the consequences of its presence and work on the territory are horrifying. We are talking about the attempts of PMC Bancroft to control mining in the CAR, rape, sexual harassment and robbery, cooperation with militants, who were ordered by PMC Bancroft to kill Chinese workers in the mines. It is obvious that AFRICOM is the new Bancroft PMC.

AFRICOM is an attempt of the US to return to the CAR. The U.S. is interested in natural resources on the African continent, as well as to have a strategic advantage over France, which is also trying to spread its influence in the CAR.

The CAR government should be careful. It is worth considering that the cooperation with the country that wants to steal natural resources and the sovereignty from the CAR and use it in its own interests. The cooperation with the U.S. has never led any country to prosperity and development, only to war and chaos. Central Africans and the government must defend the sovereignty of their country and not allow other countries to interfere in their affairs and steal the wealth of the Republic.

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